Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Local government workers pay fight is back on

This brief statement has been initiated to begin a discussion on "where now?", by some of the delegagtes after todays conference. Please post below to add names to the statement, suggestions/ additions / proposals. Thanks Or email locgovworkers@gmail.com

Local government workers in Unison today overturned the leaderships sellout of the pay dispute. Unison Special Conference voted on motions to re-open this year's pay claim and passed the motions by between 62% and 68%. The motions called for a fight for the living wage and equivalent flat rate increase for all workers, in the run up to the general election and the first year of a new government.

The leadership of our union will now have to act on these motions.

It is crucial now that those branches central to this and the left launch a campaign to rebuild branch activity around pay. We have to learn the lessons from the northwest organising against the bureaucracy and coordinate branches without fear of leadership backlash. Now is the time to build a branch based rank and file of local government workers not just in Unison but with other unions too.

Marshajane Thompson (Havering Branch sec /london region delegate)

Ruth Cashman (chair Lambeth unison/ delegate)

Andrew Berry (Islington unison / disabled member delegate)

Tim Nelson (North Somerset delegate)

Ed Whitby (Newcastle unison convenor/delegate)

Vicky Perrin (NEC and delegate)

Glenn Kelly (Bromley branc  sec / delegate)

Sarah Feeney (West Midlands regional delegate)

all in a personal capacity obviously


  1. Let's pass a motion at Conference, that our subs can only be increased in line with what we get as a pay rise.

    Also limit the pay of our "elected" leadership to an absolute maximum of 1.33 time the average members earnings.

  2. Additional comment from Glenn C: Technically vote was to submet new claim and alos we should be demanding a recall NJC to redraw and submit new claim
